Agenda for Board Meeting
Call to Order
Moment of Silence
Acceptance of Agenda
Acceptance of Board Meeting Minutes
- Accept March meeting minutes
Treasurer’s Report and Budget Update
President’s Report
Piers & Harbors Report
Green Committee Report
Beach Committee Report
Old Business
New Business
– Discuss adding a children’s events committee, Pam Demske is willing to be that Chair
President’s Report
We store all of our projects online, in Podio. Below is a summary list of those projects and what has been accomplished since the last Board Meeting.
Projects and their status
Since the last meeting, here is a project status list:
- Updating events on Community website (Complete)
- Planning for cistern system, pier water and dog wash at Fishing Creek [May take on this project Summer 2015]
- Add Handicap ramp at Beach (Out for bid)
- Build a floating pavilion, 20’x20′ at Fishing Creek pier (planning/pricing)
- Upgrade to replace picnic tables (Complete, but may add one more, and one more at Fishing Creek)
- A beach volleyball court put in at the beach [Net is being made by Charlie (Quantum/Warrior Canvas)]
- First set of shirts and jackets are finished. Board members may select theirs and discussion needed on whether to order more to sell.
- Porta-Potty enclosure [In planning, does everyone like the new location of the Porta-potty]
- Scanning old OHCA files is underway (ongoing)
- Create a GIS Map of community roads to plan maintenance work [Delayed]
- Add four temp slips at Fishing Creek [Will order anchors June 2015]
- Install piling caps at Fishing Creek pier [Underway]
- Washington Saltwater swale at boat ramp and rain garden (Underway)
- Washington Ave. swales survey and permit application (Will plan survey this summer)
- Exercise Circuit course (Pricing options look like $7500 for materials and $2500 to install)
- Add two dog poop stations Bringing back this idea due to requests. Washington boat ramp and replace one on Cross. (Underway)
- Kayak dock at Booker (Underway)
- Research and work with Niagara Road residents on phragmites (Cancelled)
Community Areas of Concern
This is a list of areas in the community that need attention:
Standing water
- [To address] New flooding area on Washington Drive. New homes past Booker have been experiencing flooding in front yards as the builder never installed swales or a way for water to flow toward Booker road. We should look into this issue.
- [To address] Still some flooding on Creek after new house was built. Helen Granado’s ouse is most affected.
- [To address] Ms Cherry’s swale repairs need to be re-checked. Probably need to talk with her on what she thinks needs to be changed
- [Mostly fixed, some fin tuning needed] Flooding from Paper work (Cedar Rd) into homes along Ellis and into Ellis Road. Will be addressed in August.
- [Mostly fixed, one resident would not let us repave driveway apron and fix the swale in from of his house] Flooding on Ellis
Community Property
- Fishing Creek parking area and park – No current issues. Minor post winter clean-up.
- Fishing Creek pier – Doing Spring maintenance
- Harbor Lot and play ground – No current issues. Minor post winter clean-up.
- Booker Parking Lot – No current issues. Minor post winter clean-up.
- Washington Boat ramp – Swale plantings. Minor post winter clean-up.
- Beach – Enlarging Gazebo project delayed. Need approval for Handicap ramp and deck area. Minor post winter clean-up.
Board Approvals/Motions Needed
To accomplish these, we would need to Board to approve the following:
- Approve approximately $15,000 for handicap ramp and deck area (about 20′ x 30′) to allow handicap access to the beach, a place for wheelchairs and strollers, to clean off feet, etc.
- Approve the idea for a Pavilion at Fishing Creek pier. Estimated cost is about $20,000.
- Approve purchase of ‘pre-packaged’ circuit course, Estimated cost is $7500 for materials and $2500 for labor
- If decided to order shirts to sell, approval to do so
- If decided, approve a new committee for Children’s Events Committee and approve Pam Demske for the position