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Keys – To obtain keys to the Shore Drive beach gate, and Boat ramp gate contact Carla Gibbons- There is no charge for keys; one per household. There is a $25 charge for replacement keys if the one initially distributed is lost. The same key opens both gates.

Parking for Cars & Trailers – Parking at the marina and boat ramp lots are for users of those facilities, short term overflow parking for events, or guests of residents. Trailers may not be parked at these locations. Long term parking is not allowed on public lots. Oyster Harbor rules prohibit parking on our narrow streets as there are good reasons for this; On-street parking poses a safety hazard for “darting children”, and hinders access for emergency fire and police vehicles. If  you notice a car illegally parked on Oyster Harbor roads, please feel free to print off this reminder notice and place on the car’s windshield. Afterwards, please fill out a Community Violation Report on the Our Community Page of the Oyster Harbor website so that this violation can be tracked and all actions noted.
Link to Printable Warning Notice: Click for Warning Notice
Link to Violation Report: Click for Online Violation Form

Boat Slips – Only registered slipholder’s may keep their boat’s at the community marinas. Slips are rented on a yearly basis. The current slip holder has first chance to renew his/her contract. There is a waiting list and residents on the list will be contacted as soon as slips open. The boat owner will then have the chance to accept the slip or decline depending on location and needs. Proof of registration and boat liability insurance is required for slip rental and renewal. For detailed rules and regulations and boat slip inquiries, please fill out a Slip Request Form here.

Pumpout – There is a public pumpout at the Oyster Creek marina. Any member of the public may use it. Instructions are on the unit. There is a special attachment which allows porta-potties to be emptied easily.

Safety Equipment – Please raise the ladders on the Oyster Harbor marina piers when you are finished with them so that the rungs do not accumulate slime or other marine growth. There are “man overboard” life rings and fire extinguishers on the Oyster Harbor marina piers and on the fishing pier. If you see that any of these are missing or in disrepair, please contact the Piers and Harbors Chairman via the Damage report form on our website.

No Smoking – The community beach and playground are no smoking zones.

Dogs – Leash laws for Oyster Harbor are the same as those for the county. Dogs are not permitted on the beach or community playground. Please dispose of waste in the doggy waste stations located throughout the community. Dogs are permitted off of their leash at the Fishing Creek pier AS LONG AS the owner is willing to take full responsibility and already residents at the park are okay with it. We have a pre-schedule Yappie Hour of Thursday evenings. A pets owner must conform to County Animal Laws. Anne Arundel County provides additional public parks and spaces for dogs.

Swimming – Swimming and diving is not permitted from Oyster Harbor marina piers. Public swimming is allowed within roped in areas at the community beach and the beach at Fishing Creek.

Crab Pots & Fish Traps – Crab pots and fish traps are not allowed to be left overnight or unattended on community piers and slip pilings. The pots and traps can cause serious damage to boats and engines and are harmful to marine life if left unattended. They will be removed if left unattended. Do not confuse crab pots with floating oyster cages that are attached to community piers as they are a part of the Green Oyster Harbor Environmental Committee initiative to clean up the water in Oyster Creek. The oyster cages do not trap fish, turtles or small mammals.

Small Watercraft – All small watercraft in Fishing Creek Park are required to have an OHCA small boat sticker. To obtain your sticker please fill out the webform.

Kayak Racks – These facilities are for use by all Oyster Harbor residents on a first come basis. All boats require an OHCA sticker or may be removed and disposed of. To obtain your sticker please fill out the webform.

Beach Storage – Be considerate and do not leave your boats in the beach/launch area. It is a very small area and boats left there prevent other boaters, kids, dogs, and other residents from using the beach.

OHCA Car Decals – At recent OHCA community meetings residents have expressed concerns that our community areas/facilities are being used by non-residents. To help provide easy recognition of whether or not a vehicle does indeed belong to a community member, we have printed OHCA vinyl car window decals. The stickers will also instill a sense of pride in this wonderful community in which we reside. Stick them on your car and display your community spirit! To obtain your sticker please fill out the webform.

Speed Limits – Please obey posted speed limit signs, particularly on Arundel on the Bay Road. Oyster Harbor does not have side walks or bike paths, so you are sharing the road with children, dog-walkers, bicyclists and pedestrians. The speed limit on Arundel on the Bay Road is posted at 25 mph. All other community roads are posted at 15 mph. Oyster Harbor pays for security to enforce these speed limits.

Save our Swales – Please refrain from raking leaves or other yard debris into the street or community swales and ditches. When this happens, the community incurs increased costs in dump fees and grounds keeping expenses. Most importantly, it interferes with water infiltration and runoff.

poophappensPet Waste – A single gram of dog waste can contain 23 million bacteria. When washed into the waterways by rain water, this bacterium can cause serious health hazards. Pet waste also contains nutrients that can cause dead zones in the Bay. “The owner of any animal shall be responsible for the removal of any excreta deposited by his or her animal on public walks, recreation areas or on private property other than his own.”