Piers & Harbors Committee
The Piers and Harbors Committee is in charge of the community’s piers, harbors, marinas, and boat ramp, and related issues such as dredging.
Currently Oyster Harbor offers 34 slips and 11 floating dock spaces for lease on an annual basis. The community also offers 47 dinghy/kayak racks free of use. All slips and spaces are intended for small boats to enable Community residents to take advantage of the local waters around the Community. The piers are not intended to replace the full-service facilities of commercial marinas.
There are three locations for boats to be launched, stored, and/or moored within the community; Fishing Creek Road Pier, Washington Avenue Ramp, and Booker Avenue Pier. There is also a small dinghy rack on the Beach offering direct access to the Chesapeake Bay by kayaks.
Slip space is available as a one year lease*, for the cost of $2 per foot per month ($24/foot/yr). Floating Dock Dinghy Spaces* are available at $144 per year for dinks or small kayaks or sailboats that can fit in them. Dry Dinghy storage is available on a first come, first serve basis – with all boats in the racks required to have OHCA stickers on them**.
About 10 of the slips can accommodate boats that draw about 3′ of water, the rest are for smaller boats, 17′ or less and requiring 2′ or less water depth.
Dinghy and boat launching can be done at all four locations for small boats, and only at the Washington Street Ramp for boats on trailers.
*To apply for a slip or floating dock space, please fill out the slip request form.
**Stickers can be obtained by filling our the decal request form.
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Social Committee
It shall be the duty of the Recreational Committee to promote social activities and community entertainment in the best interest of the community, and to provide means for helping to defray the expense of the Association, provided that any activity or entertainment for the purposes outline first be approved by the Association and the Board of Directors.
These duties are handled by the current Recreation Committee.
Use this form to Contact the Social/Recreation Committee.