The Oyster Harbor Citizens Association, Inc., of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, our formal name. The association was incorporated in the 1950s. It is the same as the Oyster Harbor Improvement Association that is mentioned in the covenant on all parcels of land in Plat I, Oyster Harbor.
As stated in the Constitution, (last amended in 1980), “the object of this association shall be for the development and maintenance of Oyster Harbor through the regulating of its community property and facilities in the best interest of the property owners of the community.”
Membership in the association is available to “every adult owner, and/or spouse, joint or otherwise, of any real property,” in Oyster Harbor. All residents, including renters, may attend meetings but only property owners may vote.
The Constitution calls for these officers to be elected: “(1) President, (2) Vice President, (3) Recording Secretary, (4) Corresponding Secretary, (5) Treasurer, (6) Financial Secretary, and (7) Special Tax Treasurer, who shall be known as the Fiscal Officer.” The duties of each are spelled out in the Constitution.
A nine-member Board of Directors is mandated as well, with staggered terms of office, and these duties: “The Board of Directors shall be responsible legally for all actions of the Association (in and out of the Association), and shall officially represent the Association in all matters and shall cause to be made all proper reports as demanded by the State of Maryland and for the County of Anne Arundel in the State of Maryland.”
Oyster Harbor is a Special Taxing District
In compliance with Anne Arundel County guidelines, the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee of the Oyster Harbor Citizens Association must present a budget to the county for each fiscal year, from July 1 through June 30. Oyster Harbor was established as a Special Tax District in the 1950s for the purpose of day-to- day operations within our community.
Oyster Harbor is responsible for:
The construction, maintenance (including snow removal) and repair of all roads that do not belong to Anne Arundel County. This includes right-of-ways and all community-owned property (beach, piers, and bulkheads.)
Providing insect and pest control
Establishing and operating a community security program
As a Special Tax District, we collect an additional tax on ourselves to fund and provide for the above-listed items.
Reaching the Board ~~ If you have a request, recommendation, complaint, or any other non-emergency situation that you would like to bring to the attention of the Board of Directors you must submit it, in writing, for Board review. This procedure is in place to give each resident fair representation, to afford you the opportunity to provide all the facts and pertinent information for your request, and to eliminate the possibility of misinterpretation of your request. It will then be the fiduciary responsibility of Association officials and Board Members to properly investigate/review all requests.