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President's Report

Presidents Report – For November 14, 2013

By November 14, 2013December 19th, 2013No Comments


I started on the project list and am making good headway. The online tools have passed all the tests and our web develop and dock repair companies are using it.  We have also gotten most of our complaints and suggestions via the web site rather than emails.  This makes tracking easier and reduces stress on volunteers.

Accomplishments this month

Since the last meeting, I have managed to get the following tasks accomplished:
·        Verify that the cloud tools work for managing projects
·        Began getting violation reports, complaints, and suggestions in the system
·        Had sand put in at Fishing Creek and a general clean-up
·        Repaired the Fishing creek dock and removed the gate.

Goals for 2013/2014

This list is quite large, and although not all aspects will be doable, I think we should take these goals seriously and include as many of them in the Budget for 2014 as possible.


·        Eric and Kathy Burke to work on budget
·        Scanning files in OHCA office for long term retention
·        Do further research on the history of Oyster Harbor
·        Do video interviews of some of the older residents


·        Repair Fishing Creek Picnic tables
·        Trees trimmed along roads
·        Add a Dog clean-up stations
·        Replace boards and weak areas on Booker pier
·        Repair picnic tables at Fishing Creek and Beach
·        Clean up Beach trash area
·        Create a trash receptacle area and add to trash cans at beach
·        Increase trash collection in the summer at the Beach & Fishing Creek
·        Add a second dumpster weekend for the community

New Projects for 2014 budget or leftover 2013 budget

·        Add Cistern system at Fishing Creek for dog and dinghy Washington <$2000
·        Build enclosure for Porta-Potty at the Beach $800
·        A four slips to Fishing Creek $2200
·        Add a dog clean-up station to Washington boat ramp $150(?)
·        Add a fourth dinghy rack to Fishing Creek ~$1500
·        Add a dinghy rack at Washington Boat ramp ~$1500
·        Add a weather station and webcam to the Beach ~23,000
·        Build an electronic system to collect petition signatures ~$400
·        Build an Oyster Ring at Fishing Creek pier ~$3500
·        Add shells to Washington water’s edge

Board Approvals/Motions Needed

To accomplish these, we would need to Board to approve the following:

q No motions needed this meeting

Kathy Burk

President of the Oyster Harbor Community.