Call to Order
Moment of Silence
Acceptance of Agenda
Acceptance of Board Meeting Minutes
- Accept August meeting minutes
Treasurer’s Report and Budget Update
President’s Report
– Below
Piers & Harbors Report
– Included in President’s report
Green Committee Report
– Included in President’s report
Beach Committee Report
Old Business
- Received Opinion Letter from Attorney Paul Farmer which basically says to ‘ask the County’.
New Business
- Preparation for Budget
- Errors in our QuickBooks charges
- New account set-up for Piers Treasurer
President’s Report, Piers Report and Other Reports Combined
We store all of our projects online, in Podio. Below is a summary list of those projects and what has been accomplished since the last Board Meeting.
Projects and their status
Since the last meeting, here is a project status list:
- Flooding (Complete for 2016)
- Pier projects (Dock complete, looking into a dredging permit)
- Piers Payments on PayPal/CC (in planning)
- Parking signs (new size requirements. Will have new signs made. Some ordered, some still to be ordered)
- Slip leases (No changes)
- Sailboats and dock maintenance (Did not get completed)
- Exercise course (Repairs to hand holds on climbing wall needed)
- Land purchase possibilities – Purchasing land options, if possible
- 3342 AOTB as Clubhouse – Appraised. (Now researching)
- 3313 Shore Drive – to expand beach (not started)
- 3315 Shore Drive – to expand beach/wildlife area (May be dead-end as price variation is too high)
- Mr Reynolds passed away and his home may be an option
- Teresa Hollinger offered her home as an option too.
- Harbor Pavilion (Awaiting decision on Clubhouse)
- Summer beach clean-up (Complete)
- Social events calendar for this season (Will have 2017 Calendar by March 31)
- Planning for cistern system, pier water and dog wash at Fishing Creek [In planning still, Anthony is looking into it]
- Scanning old OHCA files is underway (ongoing)
- Washington Saltwater swale at boat ramp (Complete, but will change upper side, some indecision)
- New gravel at Fishing Creek (Plan to add more gravel in parking lot underway – walkway complete)
- Repair Fishing Creek floating dock posts (complete)
- Booker pump out (fixed)
- Community Condition Assessment (about 80% complete – no new progress)
- Oyster Harbor video commercial (3 drafts are complete)
Board Approvals/Motions Needed
To accomplish these, we would need to Board to approve the following:
- Permission to continue with research to buy a clubhouse