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President's Report

Presidents Report and Agenda for March 13, 2014 Board Meeting

By March 12, 2014No Comments


Winter is still with us, but is slowly fading.  We had very little damage to piers and roads over the winter, but significant flooding and ice issues.  We also had parking and snow plow issues.
I was able to do a lot of planning and data collecting over the winter, and we are ready to address flooding issues in many areas in the community.

Accomplishments this month

Since the last meeting, I have managed to get the following tasks accomplished:
  • I and an intern surveyed the entire community during the worst flooding this winter, and mapped the flood and standing water issues on the roads. We then went through with and got some pricing for swale and culvert/driveway repairs for Fishing Creek and Ellis.
  • Biohabitiats applied for a permit for Harbor, Booker and top of Creek drive work.
  • Walked the entire community to map for tree trimming. Not completed as of this Board meeting.
  • Started the following projects in early winter (no real headway due to extreme cold and snow)
    • Three additional Kayak racks (large one at Fishing Creek, small ones at the beach and Booker
    • A beach volleyball court put in at the beach
    • Repairs to Washington avenue pier and boat ramp
    • Repairs to the Washington Ave. parking area and slightly improved landscaping
    • A beach trash corral for four trash cans
    • Beach repairs to bench, gazebos, fence and landscaping
    • New steps to enter the beach gate
    • Booker pier repairs and new poles for the floating docks
    • A fish cleaning station on the Fishing Creek pier
  • Planning for cistern system and dog wash
  • Ordered Comcast services for the Beach

To dos for next Month

  • Continue work on Fall/Winter projects
  • Write bond check for Biohabitiats permit
  • Start swale and culvert work on Ellis and Fishing Creek
  • Install free wifi at the Beach
  • Finish a GIS Map of community roads to plan maintenance work
  • Finalize quotes to have a community-wide tree and hedge trimming of plants that overhang roads and swales, or cause blind spots at intersections.
  • Add four slips at Fishing Creek
  • Install piling caps at Fishing Creek pier
  • Fix bulletin board at beach

Board Approvals/Motions Needed

To accomplish these, we would need to Board to approve the following:
  • Approval for four new slips at approximately $5500
  • Approval for plan for Ellis and Fishing Creek so checks can be written.
  • Approval for Biohabitats bond ~$30,000 and next check, ~$20,000

Agenda for Board Meeting

Call to Order
Moment of Silence
Acceptance of Agenda
Acceptance of Board Meeting Minutes
•          Accept January 9, 2014 minutes
Treasurer’s Report and Budget Update
President’s Report
Vote on motions for projects over the next 60 days.
Green Committee Report
Beach Committee Report
Old Business
New Business
Kathy Burk

President of the Oyster Harbor Community.