Call to Order
Welcome comments
President’s Report, Piers Report and Other Reports Combined
Projects and their status
Since the last meeting, here is a project status list:
Flooding work continues. Washington Drive and Howard Road
Pier projects (Dock & Electrical complete)
Piers Payments on PayPal/CC (in planning)
Parking signs (new size requirements. Will have new signs made. Some ordered, some still to be ordered)
Slip leases (A couple open slips for smaller boats)
Sailboats (One sailboat and one rowboat complete)
Exercise course (Repairs to hand holds on climbing wall needed)
Harbor Pavilion (Early planning, may do electrical in 2017)
Summer beach clean-up (ongoing)
Social events calendar for this season (2017 Calendar is up)
Planning for cistern system, pier water and dog wash at Fishing Creek [In planning still]
Scanning old OHCA files is underway (ongoing)
Repair Fishing Creek floating dock posts (underway)
Community Condition Assessment (about 80% complete – no new progress)
Old Business
Club House/property purchase update
Proposed variance for house on Venice Beach being fought by OHCA
Review of options for firehydrants still underway
New Business
Thefts from cars