President’s Report: 5/23/2023
- In process of moving SCBD funds to Morgan Stanley account
- Proposals coming from ProCom for accountant/SCBD auditor
- Eastport lease expires in August; ProCom providing three months written notice
- President’s Update on Nominating Committee
- Reviewing constitution, process, committee composition
- Will update community in July on process, timing
Committee Reports:
- ProCom
- Piers and Harbors (Barrett Hill/Drew Lawson)
- All slips have paid, except for three
- Working through wait list and floating docks
- Renewing contract/license for one year with Meraki (Fishing Creek Park camera and router/access), pending final decisions on cameras from security with input from community (Security Chair informed and in agreement)
- Barrett may have additional update
- Security (Jody Tracey/Pete Vail)
- ICS began patrols on 5/19 marked, unarmed patrols 5/19
- Patrols via marked vehicle and by foot 3 evenings/nights per week, with opportunity to rotate days if we need them to
- Incidents will be reported to ProCom
- Reminder to call 911 for emergencies; 410-222-8610 for non-emergencies
- Jody may have additional update
- Community Property (Winston Dunkley/Mike Wierzbicki)
- Furniture Update (Joe Matta to give recommendation)
- Still gathering quotes to replace beach and FC park furniture. So far, Backyard Billy’s on the eastern shore has the biggest local selection, multiple manufactures, and the biggest advantage is the chairs arrive assembled with a multi-year residential warranty. A second quote would be ordering directly from a manufacture and having to pay for assembly.
- Price for about 11 tables and additional chairs looks like it will be around $25,000-$30,000. Board has approved expenditure.
- Beach Committee (Dan Craig)
- Made aware that there’s been an issue with Beach Chair not receiving website reservation requests—working to fix this
- Weeding/Landscaping north end of beach completed
- Beach gate/codes—Procom working to find a new vendor
- Roads (Mike Wierzbicki)
- Working with several property owners to correct/repair/replace prior work that was done that hadn’t solved (or actually contributed to) drainage issues.
- Social Committee (Interim: Barrett Hill)
- June Beach Party
Upcoming OHCA Meetings
Tuesday, 9/26 7:30 p.m.; location TBA
May call special meeting in August to review Nominations process