President’s Report: 10/17/2023
- Admin:
- Office move: received security deposit back $2,000
- Annual/SCBD audit underway
- ProCom issues
- Policies
- Need in writing
- Process/volunteers?
- Governance transition:
- Contact information being updated on website
- Emails being created for officers; board?
- Truist account turned over last week (prior names off)
- PNC signatories appt being made for Thursday
- Getting new officers up to speed
- Remediation Fine: $5,000 being submitted for payment this week
- Legal fees: first payment of $10,000 will be submitted next week
- Request by recording secretary for unilateral taping system to aid in minutes
- Committee Reports:
- Finance Committee
- Miller-Dodson + $453: added bulkhead, sheds, cameras, skateboard ramp; need board approval for additional amount (total now $3,935)
- Need new chair
- Once new chair in place, will review bidding/procurement policy
- Security
- Evaluating hours post Halloween—may keep on but at fewer hours
- New camera for FC Park/Pier—presentation on options next meeting
- Piers and Harbors
- Dredging?
- Kayak Rack Clean-up:
- Re-evaluating timing
- Will send email end of week (newsletter)
- ProCom to get signs
- Community Property
- ProCom Project List
- Sinkhole at Washington/Booker pier, fixed on Friday (earlier than projected by Bay Ridge)
- Parking sub-committee Update
- Yard Sale Walk (thank you Jen Bowles):
- Saturday 11/11
- Set-up yard sale in at your home (let Jen know; we’ll publish participants)
- Unsold items:
- Sending links for Green Drop—try to schedule pick-up for same days
- Dumpsters 11/10-11/13
- Beach
- Gate lock issues: fixed to get in; have heard of issues with button not working to get out?
- Need new chair
- Roads
- Shore Drive flooding/pooling patterns have changed. Will be looking at flap valve and checking for clogs in culverts
- Process of applying for stormwater management grant is moving along smoothly
- Recreation
- Oyster Roast 10/21
- $3,000/association funds
- Burgers, dogs, oysters
- Band
- Halloween
- Parade on Saturday, 10/28 at 4:30 p.m.
- Washington and Booker—start at 5:00
- Oyster Roast 10/21
- Next OHCA Meeting
Tuesday, 11/28 at Hillsmere Elementary School