1. Admin and Miscellaneous
- Reminder tax check should come in Feb.
- Will be posting committee schedules on website and in newsletters
- Lora Lane, Whitehall area: concerns about Chesapeake National Recreation Area Legislation on local land (FYI only)
- Outreach Coordinator AA County Bureau of Watershed Protection and Restoration
- Conducting survey related to backyard pet waste pick-up behavior
- Requesting someone from the OHCA Board to assist with survey efforts in next month or so.
- Requests for hybrid/virtual meeting access
2. Committee Reports
- Community Property
- Convening first meeting in February
- Request to review and update parking policies
- Security
- Two meetings held
- Exploring camera options for possible beach and park views
- Pursuing best ways to reach out to community via surveys for input and concerns
- Patrols
- AA County patrolling OH
- Exploring patrol options and schedule
- Update on possible share agreement with AoTB
- Piers and Harbors
- Oyster Creek channel ladder damaged by barge; requested repair
- Dredging: reviewing files and building timeline
- Recommendation for 2023 fees and agreements
- Roads
- Shore sewage line break part of bigger problem: force main along Washington needs to be replaced
- Preliminary studies and work to begin next month (Soil borings and test pits); actual project slated to begin Fall, 2023
- Site visit within the next two weeks
- Meeting with County Director of Outreach and Education for Stormwater Management
- Possible assessment of condition of roads for long-term planning
- Beach Committee
- February meeting
- Reviewing vendors outside of LB
- Finance Committee
- ProComm status