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NewsPresident's Report

President’s Letter, Summer 2016

By May 27, 2016October 19th, 2018No Comments

It appears that the warm weather has finally arrived.  Hopefully the last of the unseasonably wet and cold days are behind us.

Between rain storms we managed to have a great Pig Roast and Beach opening party in May.  We had a very large turn out and managed to eat all three pigs.  The side dishes and deserts brought by residents were really great as well.  Our thanks to everyone who brought a side dish and for all those who showed up the night before to help dig the pit and roast the pigs.

A special thanks to our UPS drivers who manned the pit, the BBQ and without whom we would not have had the success we did.

As summer roles in, we are looking forward to lots of summer activities in the community and in Annapolis.  As always, we will send out blast emails and post on Facebook all the events that we know about.  We also send quarterly paper mailing to those who would rather receive printed versions.

The exercise circuit course appears to have become a real hit.  The climbing wall sees daily climbers after the school bus drops off kids. I personally am enjoying the rope climb and am getting better at it.  If you don’t already know – there are three different stations in the community. Locations are; the beach, Harbor playground and Fishing Creek park.  Each are a bit different, but offer upper body, legs and abdomen exercises at each.  Also each has something extra like volleyball, rope climb or climbing wall.  Hopefully it will entice the entire family to get into the exercise habit.

As other projects get completed, we will send out information in the email blast or on Facebook.

We wish everyone a safe and fun summer.

All the best,

Oyster Harbor President

Kathy Burk

President of the Oyster Harbor Community.