Here is a quick reference list for things to know in our Community during a flood:
1) Car parking is available during floods at the Harbor lot. You can park anywhere you can (even on the grass) to fits as many cars as possible, you may be blocked in, and should leave your phone number on the dash so car movement can be coordinated after the flooding/storm.
2) Dock power will be off on all docks
3) If you see people’s personal possessions or community owned items floating around, please secure them, or let Nick or I know so we can. Please don’t just take a photo of it floating out into the Bay.
4) If you have a boat, please check its line and check it for flooding. We always have a couple boats that get battery and general flood related damage. Its been a while since we have had a significant flood, so boat owners can get a bit complacent.
5) If you have a small boat in the racks, please check that it is secured and won’t float or blow away.
6)Msg or email me, or post on Facebook, if you are out of town and would like someone to check your house or boat.
7) Floods can move wild animals into crawl spaces and sheds as they try to escape the flooding. Keep this in mind when accessing these spaces.
8) On the community website is maintenance form where you can let us know if you see something that got damaged from the flooding.
Hopefully we won’t have any issues, but its good to be prepared.