***Conference Call due to Pandemic***
Call to Order
Moment of Silence
Acceptance of Agenda
Acceptance of Board Meeting Minutes
- To be supplied via email later this month
Treasurer’s Report and Budget Update
- New fiscal year has just started. No report for this meeting
- Answer any questions from last fiscal year
President’s Report
– Below
Piers & Harbors Report
– Included in President’s report
Green Committee Report
– Included in President’s report
Beach Committee Report
– Included in President’s report
Old Business
- Still working with the county on flooding on AOTB road
- High pressure sewer main leaks
- Beach Gate update
- Some parking issues to resolve still
New Business
- Hurricane damages update
- Re-election slate
President’s Report, Piers Report and Other Reports Combined
We store all of our projects online, in Podio. Below is a summary list of those projects and what has been accomplished since the last Board Meeting.
Projects and their status
Since the last meeting, here is a project status list:
- Painting square at boat ramp (planning)
- Dredge the channel in Oyster Creek (research and planning)
- Water tank/fire hydrant at Harbor lot (Discussing with fire dept.)
- Well and sewer at Harbor lot (planning)
- Pavilion at Harbor lot (feasibility study and survey are done, looking for a commercial architect)
- Clubhouse Options (No location, no progress)
- Rain garden on Shore & Ellis (scheduling issues, but ready to go)
- Washington Drive flooding work (mostly complete)
- Creek Drive swale maintenance (planning)
- County No Parking & Speed Limit signs (Signs installed or on order for Parking areas, Washington Drive, Shore Drive)
- Slip leases for 2020-21 (Figuring out floating dock spaces)
- Collect the older 2018 minutes and add to archived minutes (underway)
- Add 2019 meeting minutes to recent minutes on website (underway)
- Phragmites removal at 1300 Harbor Rd (discussing with the county, no progress)
- Large rocks at Fishing Creek pier sides (delayed due to COVID-19 limited quarry work)
- Fishing Pier board replacement (Underway)
- Broken piling and rotted pilings at Fishing Creek Dock (Trying to schedule)
- Shore Drive rain garden (working on diagram and permit)
Board Approvals/Motions Needed
- Approval to proceed with nomination committee assignment
- Approval to hold election on September 17, 2020 via Zoom