Call to Order
Moment of Silence
Acceptance of Agenda
Acceptance of Board Meeting Minutes
- Accept December meeting minutes
Treasurer’s Report and Budget Update
- Treasurers Report
President’s Report
– Below
Piers & Harbors Report
– Included in President’s report
Green Committee Report
– Included in President’s report
Beach Committee Report
Old Business
- Moore variance discussion update
- North side of Channel Property ownership review with Venice Beach to be scheduled
- Status on Club House idea
New Business
- Variance request on Arundel on the Bay adjoining property to Harbor Lot
President’s Report, Piers Report and Other Reports Combined
We store all of our projects online, in Podio. Below is a summary list of those projects and what has been accomplished since the last Board Meeting.
Projects and their status
Since the last meeting, here is a project status list:
- Flooding (Some spots on Washington, Shore and bordering with the Cedar Rd/paper road)
- Pier projects (Looking into a dredging permit – no update)
- Harbor lot upgrade for power, pavilion, water tank, shed repair and basketball net (Electrical complete)
- Buying property (On hold as we need to petition the County. Would need a champion)
- Piers Payments on PayPal/CC (in planning)
- Community signs (New size requirements for towing. Tow away signs are still to be sized & ordered. Other signs are complete)
- Slip leases (On track)
- Community Sailboats/boats (One laser complete, two underway. Rowboat is complete, working on procuring a combo kayak paddle-board this summer)
- Exercise course (Repairs to hand holds on climbing wall repaired but not a good as hoped. Will work on this summer)
- Summer beach clean-up (Underway)
- Social events calendar for this season (2018 Calendar complete)
- Dog wash at Fishing Creek [Complete]
- Planning for feet wash at Beach [In planning still]
- Washington Saltwater swale at boat ramp (Complete)
- Repair Fishing Creek floating dock posts (Underway)
- Booker pump out (Open for use)
- Community Condition Assessment (about 85% complete – no new progress)
- Fishing Creek WiFi (Complete)
- Scanning old OHCA files is underway (almost complete)
Board Approvals/Motions Needed
To accomplish these, we would need to Board to approve the following:
- Motions on new business may be needed