Call to Order
Moment of Silence
(Add-on) Community Resident Wishes to Address the Board
- Shawn Danoff to dial in to discuss the letter he received about his basketball net overhanging Harbor road.
Acceptance of Agenda
- Acceptance of this Agenda
Acceptance of Minutes
- Submission of Board Meeting Minutes for April 12 2022 Meeting (Emailed before meeting)
Treasurer’s Report and Budget Update
- Review spending for year to date and budget comparison (Emailed before meeting)
- Overbudget in a few areas that Eric will cover
Discussion of President’s Report
- Projects and their status
- See President’s report below
Old Business
- Walkthrough of Cross road with county occured on June 2, 2022 to clarify items in their letter about voluntary clean-up. A group from the county and MDE walked through the paper road and will detail their recommendations to us.
- Closing project on AOTB flooding
- Most missing minutes have been located. Will pass new link to Mint Media for posting on the website.
- Gate repair is still underway. Someone broke the conduit for the wiring.
- Beach WiFi is repaired
- Projects under way and preparing for Spring work
- See President’s report
New Business
- New Board members have been added by a suggestion from the Nominating Committee. Via email, Dan Craig and Mike Wierzbicki were added to the OHCA Board. However we have a number of residents interested in the Board openings that were unknown to the nominating committee AND the Board did vote to wait until September elections so that there was time to compile a list for the nominating committee.
Board Approvals/Motions Needed
- None
President’s Report, Piers Report and Other Reports Combined
Below is a summary list of those projects and what has been accomplished since the last Board Meeting.
Projects and their status
Since the last meeting, here is a project status list:
- Dredge the channel in Oyster Creek (In permitting)
- Dredge fireboat channel at Fishing Creek (In planning)
- Creek Drive swale maintenance (mostly complete)
- Washington drive speed humps and final paving (New Speed hump needs painting)
- New drafting site at Booker pier and refreshing gravel (In process and will piggyback on DPW open permit)
- Speed Radar sign (In planning. Eric to order it in June)
- Slip leases for 2021-22 (Almost complete)
- Compiling minutes and posting 2018 to Present. Working on changes to residents area and sent to Mint Media to make the website changes)
- Fishing Creek park native plantings (VMP approved by county, should be adding plants in June)
- Sea nettle nets (Repaired but now have some tangled nets. Will inspect in June)
- New fence parts and posts at community beach (not yet started)
- Fix community gate (underway with some issues)
- Spring clean-up remaining items
- Fix Gravel at Fishing Creek entrance (not yet started)
- Inspect climbing wall for damage (not yet started)
- Repair warped boards at beach (not yet started)
- Beach Wifi repair (Complete)
- Cross road debris clean-up as requested by County (awaiting county details)