Call to Order
Moment of Silence
Acceptance of Agenda
Acceptance of Board Meeting Minutes
- April meeting minutes (Not yet completed)
Treasurer’s Report and Budget Update
- Treasurers Report (Fiscal Year end)
President’s Report
– Below
Old Business
- Variance request on Arundel on the Bay adjoining property to Harbor Lot status
New Business
- Annual audit paperwork completed and taxes submitted
- Channel survey, plat and title registration completed
- Some developing parking issues – Some important, some not
- Security issues – Boat break-ins, beach vandalism, strange vehicles
- Other items and projects from President’s Report
President’s Report, Piers Report and Other Reports Combined
We store all of our projects online, in Podio. Below is a summary list of those projects and what has been accomplished since the last Board Meeting.
Projects and their status
Since the last meeting, here is a project status list:
- Flooding (One more for Washington, Harbor, Fishing creek complete, Shore and bordering with the Cedar Rd/paper road to do)
- Pier projects (Looking into a dredging permit – working with AnchorQEA for permits)
- Harbor lot upgrade for power, pavilion, water tank, shed repair and basketball net (Electrical complete, tank planning underway)
- Buying property (On hold)
- Piers Payments on PayPal/CC (Completed)
- Community signs (Tow away signs and Beach signs underway. Reciprocity sign completed)
- Slip leases (Updating open slip list, figuring out floating dock spaces)
- Community Sailboats/boats (Three lasers, one under repair. Rowboat, Two combo kayak paddle-boards, Working on waiver)
- Exercise course (Minor maintenance)
- Spring beach clean-up (mostly complete)
- STEM programs (Very successful 2018/2019)
- Laptop loaner program partnership with Charting Careers (So so, stalled)
- Social events calendar for this season (Finalized)
- Dog wash at Fishing Creek and Feet wash at Beach (Complete and working)
- Replace deck board at Boat Ramp and Booker (Complete)
- Booker pump out (Open for use)
- Community Condition Assessment (about 85% complete – new intern working on it)
- Community WiFi (Beach and Fishing creek operational. Plans for Harbor. Testing Security WiFi network)
- Community Security cameras (Looking for approval)
- Secure space on website (In Testing)
- Scanning old OHCA files is underway (almost complete)
Board Approvals/Motions Needed
To accomplish these, we would need to Board to approve the following:
- Approval to purchase Electronic gates and keypads, and devise a code distribution method
- Approval to investigate security cameras and purchase one or two as a test