*****No meeting was held due to COVID-19 virus****
Email request for approval on the gate code, fishing pier board replacement and summer camp ideas was sent by email to the Board.
President’s Report, Piers Report and Other Reports Combined
We store all of our projects online, in Podio. Below is a summary list of those projects and what has been accomplished since the last Board Meeting.
Projects and their status
Since the last meeting, here is a project status list:
- Painting square at boat ramp (planning)
- Dredge the channel in Oyster Creek (research and planning)
- Water tank/fire hydrant at Harbor lot (Discussing with fire dept.)
- Well and sewer at Harbor lot (planning)
- Pavilion at Harbor lot (feasibility study and survey are done, looking for a commercial architect)
- Clubhouse Options (No location)
- Rain garden on Shore & Ellis (scheduling issues, but ready to go)
- Washington Drive flooding work (mostly complete)
- County No Parking signs (will use county specs for signs, but not supplied by the county)
- Slip leases for 2020-21 (Mostly complete, figuring out floating dock spaces)
- Collect the older 2018 minutes and add to archived minutes (underway)
- Add 2019 meeting minutes to recent minutes on website (underway)
- Phragmites removal at 1300 Harbor Rd (discussing with the county, no progress)
- Large rocks at Fishing Creek pier sides (delayed due to COVID-19 limited quarry work)
- Fishing Pier board replacement (Underway)
- Broken piling and rotted pilings at Fishing Creek Dock (Trying to schedule)
Board Approvals/Motions Needed
- Emailed request to approve Gate Code work.
- Emailed request to look into summer camp/STEM ideas
- Emailed request to buy lumber for fishing creek pier