Call to Order
Moment of Silence
Acceptance of Agenda
- Submission of Board Meeting Minutes for FY 2021 (All six attached to invitation)
- Please review and offer edits as you have time to review them
Treasurer’s Report and Budget Update
- Review spending for the last fiscal year
- Overbudget in some areas, but generally on track
- Will be working with Claire on fixing account categories
Discussion of President’s Report
- Projects and their status
- Progress and frustrations
Old Business
- Still working with the county on flooding on AOTB road (County has been no help. We are looking at doing some of the work ourselves, where allowed)
- Variance hearing with county about Boat Ramp slips (Closed)
- Some parking issues to resolve still (Mostly solved)
- Beach security update (working well)
- Creek drive swales
New Business
- Vegetation Management Plan for Fishing Creek was accepted
- Finding a balance for beach events, reservations and neighboring residents
- Half pipe idea
Board Approvals/Motions Needed
- Approval for half pipe at Playground
- Do we want a speed radar sign, now that we are in the new fiscal year
President’s Report, Piers Report and Other Reports Combined
We store all of our projects online, in Podio. Below is a summary list of those projects and what has been accomplished since the last Board Meeting.
Projects and their status
Since the last meeting, here is a project status list:
- Painting square at boat ramp (completed)
- Dredge the channel in Oyster Creek (in planning)
- Water tank/fire hydrant at Harbor lot (Fire dept. does not think its critical, report coming in August hopefully)
- Pavilion at Harbor lot (Interviewing commercial architects)
- Rain garden on Shore & Ellis (Mostly completed)
- Washington Drive flooding work (Complete)
- Creek Drive swale maintenance (Underway)
- Speed Radar sign (Suggestion)
- Slip leases for 2021-22 (Small clean-up, but is completed)
- Compiling minutes and posting 2018 to June 2021 (Compiled and to be posted in due course)
- Phragmites removal at 1300 Harbor Rd (VMP accepted by the county)
- Sea nettle nets (Completed and redone)
- Repaired Volley ball net (Complete)
- Beach floating island (Completed, stolen, completed and stolen/blew away)
- New climbing ropes (Completed)
- Spring clean-up (Completed)