Community Elections – September 17, 2020 via Zoom**
Below is the complete election information. Should you have any questions, please contact our
Community Manager, Nick Jones, at
Report of the OHCA Nominating Committee
Eric Epstein, President of the OHCA, appointed Gerald Winegrad as Chairman of the Nominating Committee and four other members who served: Dan Craig, Winston Dunkley, Bennie McCottry, and Rhoades Whitehill.
This year, there are four vacancies on the OHCA Board as the terms of four elected Board members are expiring this month. All four incumbent Board members have expressed a desire to continue to serve our Oyster
Harbor Community by standing for election again. Thus, our recommendations are to re-elect these incumbent Board members to new terms as Board members:
Calvin Kidd*
Joe Matta*
Nancy Plaxico*
Dianna Zaring*
Their short Bios, photos, and contact information is found below.
All OHCA Officers are elected for one-year terms so all terms of Officers will expire with the OHCA Annual Meeting via ZOOM on Thursday, September 17 at 7:30 p.m. All incumbent Officers have agreed to continue to serve their Oyster
Harbor Community again and stand for re-election as Officers except for Lisette Groen, Recording Secretary. Laurie Clautice has agreed to serve as Recording Secretary and we recommend her for this post. Her Bio below outlines her
substantial qualifications to serve.
For 2019-2020, the positions of Financial Secretary and Association Treasurer have been merged. The reason for this merger is because Claire Dillon, a CPA, has been paid to do the job as Financial Secretary for the last six years and
Katherine Mcgee is paid to do all the pier leases. This allows us to combine oversight roles into one person serving as both Association Treasurer and Financial Secretary. Greg Machon has agreed to stand for reelection to Financial Secretary and serve in the dual capacity of Association Treasurer.
Thus, our recommended slate for Officers is as follows:
Eric Epstein* for President
Kathy Burke* for Vice President
Laurie Clautice for Recording Secretary
Ashley Harrison* for Corresponding Secretary
Greg Machon* for Financial Secretary and Association Treasurer
Patty Jenkins* for Special Tax Treasurer
This fills the slate for all Officer and Board positions for the 2020 annual elections. The Nominating Committee recommends all these nominees for election at the September 17, 2020 OHCA meeting. The Bios and contact
information of all Board and Officer nominees follow. Residents may nominate others to serve as a Board member or as an Officer for any of the positions if the candidate consents and is present at the election meeting.
The Nominating Committee commends the current Board members and Officers for their service to the community and the excellent manner of governance over the last few years. It is a sign of very sound leadership that all incumbent Board members wish to continue to serve and all but one of six officers the same.
The OHCA election is set for the annual election meeting on Thursday, Wednesday, September 17 at 7:30 p.m. via ZOOM.
Respectfully Submitted on September 9, 2020.
The OHCA Nominating Committee
Gerald Winegrad, Chair
Dan Craig
Winston Dunkley
Bennie McCottry
Rhoades Whitehill
Election Procedures:
Zoom Virtual Meeting begins at 7:30 PM.
In order to vote you must be over 18 years of age, and a property owner in Oyster Harbor. You may be asked to verify your attendance on the call. You will be given one vote regardless of how many properties you own in Oyster
The nominating committee’s slate will be presented and nominations from the floor will be accepted as well. Retiring officers and board members may run for any office.
Voting for the officers will occur first. As those votes are being counted by the volunteer vote counters, (none of whom may be a person who is running for office), voting for the Board candidates will begin.
Votes will be counted immediately so results will be known immediately.
All votes must be counted by 8:15 PM EST, so please arrive early to the start of the meeting.
After the Election
Committee Chairs are NOT elected but are appointed by the President after the election. We have had great Chairs and committee members and Oyster Harbor reflects their efforts. We hope that the present Chairs and committee
members will continue or that many of you will choose to chair a committee or join a committee where vacancies need to be filled.
** Zoom meetings are authorized by the County due to the Pandemic.